On The Brink: Probing the Coming Senior Care Challenges
A new report from Forward Analytics, On the Brink: Probing the Coming Senior Care Challenges, asks the question, “Is Wisconsin on the verge of a crisis?”
In 2021, the first Baby Boomers turned 75. During this decade, the number of residents 75 or older is expected to increase 41% from 407,000 to 574,000. That number will likely grow by another 24%, or 135,000, during 2030-40.
This population is the prime consumer of assisted living and nursing home facilities. Will this unprecedented surge in the state’s senior population create shortages in this critical sector? This study examines changes in these senior services since 2020 and explores how demand for them might change over the next 17 years.
Find the entire Forward Analytics report here: On the Brink: Probing the Coming Senior Care Challenges.