A Housing Hurdle: Demographics Drive Need for More Homes

See the full Forward Analytics report: A Housing Hurdle: Demographics Drive Need for More Homes

Hudson Star Observer: Senator Rob Stafsholt talks legislation and Wisconsin’s elections (6.3.24)
WisPolitics Capitol Chats: Forward Analytics’ Knapp says NIMBY attitude a challenge for affordable housing (5.15.24)
Wisconsin Public Radio: Rents in Wisconsin — specifically Milwaukee — among the fastest rising in the nation (3.24.24)
Wisconsin Public Radio: ‘I’m essentially breaking even every month’: Wisconsin renters struggle with rising prices (3.15.24)
Wisconsin Public Radio: New home construction in Wisconsin picked up last year, but more is needed (2.20.24)
Wisconsin State Journal: Report: Solving Wisconsin’s workforce challenges could exacerbate housing shortage (1.9.23)
The Cap Times: Wisconsin’s young adults to face worsening housing shortage (1.9.23
WisPolitics.com: Warning: housing shortage likely to increase over next 10 years (1.9.23)
WisBusiness: At least 140,000 more housing units needed to meet estimated 2030 demand (1.9.23)
WBAY: Study: Wisconsin housing shortage expected to get worse (1.9.23)
WXOW: Housing shortage to increase (1.9.23)
Wisconsin Public Radio: State lawmakers unveil package of bills aimed at addressing Wisconsin’s housing shortage (5.23.23)
Wisconsin State Journal: Lower-cost housing sought under Wisconsin bipartisan package (1.9.23)

Wisconsin Public Radio: Proposals aimed at addressing Wisconsin’s housing shortage pass out of state Legislature (6.12.23)
Wisconsin Public Radio: State lawmakers unveil package of bills aimed at addressing Wisconsin’s housing shortage (5.23.23)
Wausau Pilot & Review: Outdated zoning makes addressing Wisconsin’s housing shortage more difficult (1.15.23)
The Chronotype: Outdated zoning makes addressing Wisconsin’s housing shortage more difficult (1.14.23)
WORT: Wisconsin’s workforce shortage (1.12.23)
WPR: Outdated zoning makes addressing Wisconsin’s housing shortage more difficult (1.12.23)
Wisconsin State Journal: Report: Solving Wisconsin’s workforce challenges could exacerbate housing shortage (1.9.23)
The Cap Times: Wisconsin’s young adults to face worsening housing shortage (1.9.23)
Kenosha News: Report: Solving Wisconsin’s workforce challenges could exacerbate housing shortage (1.9.23)
Dryden Wire: Housing shortage in Wisconsin likely to increase over next 10 years (1.9.23)
WisPolitics.com: Warning: housing shortage likely to increase over next 10 years (1.9.23)
WisBusiness: At least 140,000 more housing units needed to meet estimated 2030 demand (1.9.23)
WBAY: Study: Wisconsin housing shortage expected to get worse (1.9.23)
WXOW: Housing shortage to increase (1.9.23)
WKBT: Wisconsin faces severe workforce housing shortage (1.9.23)
Wisconsin State Journal: Lower-cost housing sought under Wisconsin bipartisan package (1.9.23)

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